02OURPORTFOLIO FRIFRENCH RELAUNCHFRIFRENCH RELAUNCHRelaunch of the whole range OMIRA JOGURT ON FRUITSOMIRA JOGURT ON FRUITSLaunch of new products SWIRL BRAND RELAUNCHSWIRL BRAND RELAUNCH SALAKIS TRADITIONSALAKIS TRADITIONRelaunch of the „Tradition“ range SALAKIS HALLOUMISALAKIS HALLOUMILine extension for the „Tradition“ range MINUS L BARISTAMINUS L BARISTALaunch new subrange MINUS LMINUS LRelaunch for sustainable packaging SWIRL QUINYOSWIRL QUINYOInnovation launch cordless vacuum cleaner with dust bag TESA PRO MOUNTINGTESA PRO MOUNTINGRelaunch subbrand and implementation of new category OMIRA MILK FROM LAKE CONSTANCEOMIRA MILK FROM LAKE CONSTANCELaunch new subbrand | Relaunch complete range LE BRIE GOURMETLE BRIE GOURMETLaunch filled Brie specialities in Scandinavia EMMI JOGHURT DRINKEMMI JOGHURT DRINKSoft relaunch SALAKIS DER CREMIGESALAKIS DER CREMIGERelaunch Mediterranean variety EMMI MOMENTSEMMI MOMENTSLaunch limited edition TESA FILMTESA FILMRelaunch next generation TESA FALTTESA FALTLaunch of the first foldable and telescopic fly screens BAER CHÄS BURGERBAER CHÄS BURGERLaunch real cheese patties for vegetarian burgers COLLONILCOLLONILLaunch 1909 range PRÉSIDENT CAMEMBERT PRÉSIDENT CAMEMBERT Relaunch of the no. 1 in France PRÉSIDENT MEERSALZ BUTTERPRÉSIDENT MEERSALZ BUTTERLaunch packaging design SALAKIS RANGESALAKIS RANGEBrand & packaging design – Mediterranean lifestyle MÜLLER AVEO STYLING FACTORYMÜLLER AVEO STYLING FACTORYLaunch hairstyling for Generation Z EUCERINEUCERINDesign transfers, final artwork & preprint logistic MAX BAHRMAX BAHRRelaunch private label range TESA INTERNATIONAL TESA INTERNATIONAL Brand & packaging design BAERBAERRelaunch brand & packaging design FFUFFULaunch corporate identity & design